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Anti-Blackness and Racial Disproportionality in Gifted Education
Exceptional Children ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-27 , DOI: 10.1177/00144029211073523
Francis A. Pearman 1 , Ebony O. McGee 2

Black–White disparities in gifted enrollment persist across U.S. school systems. In this study, we examined whether these disparities depend on county-level rates of anti-Black bias. We drew data from the Civil Rights Data Collection, the Education Opportunity Project, and the Race Implicit Association Database. Based on a series of heteroskedastic fractional probit regression models, we found that county-level rates of anti-Black bias predict Black–White disparities in gifted and talented enrollment, with gaps being largest in counties with elevated rates of anti-Black bias and virtually non-existent in counties with low levels of anti-Black bias. These findings persist after accounting for achievement and other observable differences across counties, unobserved variation in state-level gifted and talented policies and are consistent for county-level estimates of both explicit and implicit measures of anti-Black bias.



