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Tectonics characterization of the salt influenced structures: Insights from a seismic data interpretation in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf, Iran
Journal of African Earth Sciences ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2022.104477
Seyed Hesameddin Sajedi 1 , Khalil Sarkarinejad 1 , Ali Faghih 1

Salt tectonics can influence the petroleum systems via the development and distribution of ductile migration pathways through the structural and stratigraphic traps. In this study, the effects of base-salt relief on the development of salt décollement horizon and the salt-influenced structures were investigated in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf, NE of the Afro-Arabian Plate. For this purpose, data from hydrocarbon exploration wells and seismic lines of the region have been used. To set the position in a time of the main stratigraphic and acoustic markers, and to compare well and seismic data, the processing of synthetic seismogram and the conversion of logs in the time domain has been performed for the selected well.

Interpretation of seismic sections revealed the occurrence of a NE-SW trending horst structure and development of a natural model of the salt tectonics on its overburden of the Oligocene to Miocene sedimentary layers. The presence of Oligo-Miocene saliferous beds as a décollement has provided suitable conditions for overburden sediments gravitational sliding and development of thin-skinned extension which started during the Miocene time and it was evolved up to the present time. This condition controlled the geometry of salt-influenced structures in the eastern parts of the Persian Gulf and resulted in the formation of special structural features namely hereafter as Curly Bracket Structures in the overburden.




地震剖面的解释揭示了在渐新世至中新世沉积层的覆盖层上出现了 NE-SW 向的地垒结构和盐构造自然模式的发展。少-中新世含盐层的存在为上覆沉积物的重力滑动和薄皮伸展的发展提供了合适的条件,这种伸展始于中新世时期,并一直发展到现在。这种条件控制了波斯湾东部受盐影响的结构的几何形状,并导致形成了特殊的结构特征,即在覆盖层中的卷曲支架结构。
