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Supporting Workers and Families in the Pandemic Recession: Results in 2020 and Suggestions for 2021
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-27
Krista Ruffini, Abigail Wozniak

We review several spending programs designed to support Americans through the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. We group these into programs designed to stabilize the labor market and facilitate its recovery and those that provided financial relief to households independent of their employment history. We review the extent to which these programs reached intended beneficiaries along with early evidence of program impacts. Overall, we find the programs were highly successful at delivering intended aid in 2020. Nevertheless, we identify common areas where programs could improve as support continues through 2021, and we discuss related needs that have so far received less attention from policymakers.


在大流行衰退中支持工人和家庭:2020 年的结果和 2021 年的建议

我们审查了几个旨在支持美国人度过 2020 年 COVID-19 大流行的支出计划。我们将这些计划归为旨在稳定劳动力市场并促进其复苏的计划,以及为独立于其就业历史的家庭提供经济救济的计划。我们回顾了这些计划对预期受益者的影响程度以及计划影响的早期证据。总体而言,我们发现这些计划在 2020 年提供预期援助方面非常成功。不过,我们确定了随着支持持续到 2021 年,计划可以改进的共同领域,我们讨论了迄今为止政策制定者较少关注的相关需求。
