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Engineering Chiral Light–Matter Interactions in a Waveguide-Coupled Nanocavity
ACS Photonics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-26 , DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.1c01806
Dominic Hallett 1 , Andrew P Foster 1 , David Whittaker 1 , Maurice S Skolnick 1 , Luke R Wilson 1

Spin-dependent, directional light–matter interactions form the basis of chiral quantum networks. In the solid state, quantum emitters commonly possess circularly polarized optical transitions with spin-dependent handedness. We demonstrate numerically that spin-dependent chiral coupling can be realized by embedding such an emitter in a waveguide-coupled nanocavity, which supports two near-degenerate, orthogonally polarized cavity modes. The chiral behavior arises due to direction-dependent interference between the cavity modes upon coupling to two single-mode output waveguides. Notably, an experimentally realistic cavity design simultaneously supports near-unity chiral contrast, efficient (>95%) cavity-waveguide coupling and enhanced light–matter interaction strength (Purcell factor FP > 70). In combination, these parameters enable the development of highly coherent spin–photon interfaces ready for integration into nanophotonic circuits.



自旋相关的定向光物质相互作用构成了手性量子网络的基础。在固态下,量子发射器通常具有圆偏振光学跃迁,具有自旋相关的旋向性。我们在数值上证明了自旋相关手性耦合可以通过将这种发射器嵌入波导耦合纳米腔中来实现,该纳米腔支持两种近退化的正交极化腔模式。手性行为是由于耦合到两个单模输出波导时腔模式之间的方向相关干扰而产生的。值得注意的是,实验上逼真的腔体设计同时支持接近统一的手性对比度、高效(>95%)腔体波导耦合和增强的光物质相互作用强度(Purcell 因子F P> 70)。结合起来,这些参数能够开发高度相干的自旋光子界面,准备好集成到纳米光子电路中。