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Dual-Channel Electrochemical Measurements Reveal Rapid Adenosine is Localized in Brain Slices
ACS Chemical Neuroscience ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-25 , DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.1c00679
Yuanyu Chang 1 , B Jill Venton 1

Rapid adenosine signaling has been detected spontaneously or after mechanical stimulation in the brain, providing rapid neuromodulation in a local area. To measure rapid adenosine signaling, a single carbon-fiber microelectrode has traditionally been used, which limits spatial resolution and an understanding of regional coordination. In this study, we utilized dual-channel fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to measure the spontaneous or mechanically stimulated adenosine release at two electrodes placed at different spacings in hippocampal CA1 mouse brain slices. For mechanically stimulated adenosine release, adenosine can be detected up to 150 μm away from where it was stimulated, although the signal is smaller and delayed. While spontaneous adenosine transients were detected at both electrodes, only 10 percent of the events were detected concurrently, and that number was similar at 50 and 200 μm electrode spacings. Thus, most adenosine transients were not caused by the widespread coordination of release. There was no evidence of diffusion of spontaneous transients to a second electrode 50–200 μm away. This study shows that spontaneous adenosine events are very localized and thus provide only local neuromodulation. Injury, such as mechanical stimulation, allows adenosine to diffuse farther, but the neuroprotective effects are still regional. These results provide a better understanding of the spatial and temporal profiles of adenosine available to act at receptors, which is crucial for future studies that design neuroprotective treatments based on rapid adenosine signaling.



快速腺苷信号传导可以自发地或在大脑受到机械刺激后被检测到,从而在局部区域提供快速的神经调节。为了测量快速腺苷信号传导,传统上使用单个碳纤维微电极,这限制了空间分辨率和对区域协调的理解。在本研究中,我们利用双通道快速扫描循环伏安法来测量放置在海马 CA1 小鼠脑切片中不同间距的两个电极处的自发或机械刺激的腺苷释放。对于机械刺激的腺苷释放,尽管信号较小且延迟,但可以在距刺激位置 150 μm 处检测到腺苷。虽然在两个电极上均检测到自发腺苷瞬变,但仅同时检测到 10% 的事件,并且该数字在 50 和 200 μm 电极间距下相似。因此,大多数腺苷瞬变不是由广泛的协调释放引起的。没有证据表明自发瞬变扩散到 50-200 μm 外的第二个电极。这项研究表明自发的腺苷事件非常局部化,因此仅提供局部神经调节。机械刺激等损伤会使腺苷扩散得更远,但神经保护作用仍然是局部的。这些结果可以更好地了解可作用于受体的腺苷的空间和时间分布,这对于未来基于快速腺苷信号传导设计神经保护治疗的研究至关重要。