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Selective Removal of Phenolic Compounds by Peroxydisulfate Activation: Inherent Role of Hydrophobicity and Interface ROS
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-25 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.1c07469
Xinru Liu 1, 2 , Ying Liu 1, 2 , Hehe Qin 1, 2 , Ziwei Ye 1, 2 , Xiaojie Wei 1, 2 , Wei Miao 1, 2 , Dianhai Yang 1, 2 , Shun Mao 1, 2

Selective removal of organic pollutants by advanced oxidation methods has been receiving increasing attention for environmental remediation. In this study, a novel catalyst, which can selectively oxidize phenolic compounds (PCs) based on their hydrophobicity, composed of metal–organic-framework-derived Fe/Fe3O4 and three-dimensional reduced graphene oxide (rGOF) is designed for peroxydisulfate (PDS) activation. This heterogeneous PDS activation system can completely degrade hydrophobic PCs within 30 min. By investigating the hydrophobic properties of eight representative PCs, a positive correlation between the hydrophobicity of PC and the reaction kinetics is reported for the first time. The selective removal stems from the strong interaction between highly hydrophobic PCs and the catalyst. Moreover, the mechanism investigation shows that the degradation reaction is triggered by interface reactive oxygen species (ROS). Our study reveals that the selective degradation of organic pollutants by PDS activation depends on the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of the pollutant and catalyst. The reported results provide new insights into a highly selective and efficient PDS activation system for organic pollutant removal.



高级氧化法选择性去除有机污染物在环境修复中受到越来越多的关注。在这项研究中,一种新型催化剂,可基于其疏水性选择性氧化酚类化合物(PCs),由金属-有机骨架衍生的 Fe/Fe 3 O 4组成三维还原氧化石墨烯 (rGOF) 设计用于过二硫酸盐 (PDS) 活化。这种异质 PDS 活化系统可以在 30 分钟内完全降解疏水性 PC。通过研究八种代表性PC的疏水特性,首次报道了PC的疏水性与反应动力学之间的正相关关系。选择性去除源于高疏水性 PC 和催​​化剂之间的强相互作用。此外,机理研究表明,降解反应是由界面活性氧(ROS)触发的。我们的研究表明,PDS活化对有机污染物的选择性降解取决于污染物和催化剂的亲水性和疏水性。