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Distribution of lipid aldehydes in phase-separated membranes: A molecular dynamics study
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.abb.2022.109136
Maria C Oliveira 1 , Maksudbek Yusupov 2 , Annemie Bogaerts 3 , Rodrigo M Cordeiro 4

It is well established that lipid aldehydes (LAs) are able to increase the permeability of cell membranes and induce their rupture. However, it is not yet clear how LAs are distributed in phase-separated membranes (PSMs), which are responsible for the transport of selected molecules and intracellular signaling. Thus, we investigate here the distribution of LAs in a PSM by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. Our results reveal that LAs derived from mono-unsaturated lipids tend to accumulate at the interface between the liquid-ordered/liquid-disordered domains, whereas those derived from poly-unsaturated lipids remain in the liquid-disordered domain. These results are important for understanding the effects caused by oxidized lipids in membrane structure, properties and organization.



众所周知,脂质醛 (LAs) 能够增加细胞膜的通透性并诱导其破裂。然而,目前尚不清楚 LA 如何在相分离膜 (PSM) 中分布,相分离膜负责选定分子的运输和细胞内信号传导。因此,我们在这里通过粗粒度分子动力学模拟研究了 PSM 中 LA 的分布。我们的研究结果表明,源自单不饱和脂质的 LA 倾向于在液体有序/液体无序结构域之间的界面处积累,而源自多不饱和脂质的 LAs 则保留在液体无序结构域中。这些结果对于理解氧化脂质对膜结构、性质和组织的影响非常重要。
