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Acousto-Optic Modulation in Silicon Waveguides Based on Piezoelectric Aluminum Scandium Nitride Film
Advanced Optical Materials ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-21 , DOI: 10.1002/adom.202102334
Chukun Huang 1 , Haotian Shi 1 , Linfeng Yu 1 , Kang Wang 1 , Ming Cheng 1 , Qiang Huang 1 , Wenting Jiao 1 , Junqiang Sun 1

Aluminum scandium nitride (AlScN) has attracted extensive attention for its excellent piezoelectric properties in the micro-electromechanical system applications. In this work, AlScN is demonstrated to be a promising candidate for on-chip acousto-optic coupling interactions with outstanding piezoelectric properties as well. Based on piezoelectric Al0.6Sc0.4N film deposited on silicon-on-insulator platform, the proposed devices exhibit impressive acousto-optic coupling performances over a short interaction length of 210 µm with surface acoustic waves actuated by interdigital transducers. Meanwhile, the acousto-optic coupling performances are further improved in a compact spiral waveguide with eight interaction segments, where the measured modulation efficiency is enhanced from −21.5 to −12.5 dB and the radiofrequency (RF) 3-dB bandwidth is narrowed from 4 to 3.1 MHz at central frequency of 3.044 GHz with RF drive power of 18.6 dBm. The measured modulation efficiency is proportional to the incident RF drive power, depicting a linear increasing trend with a slope of one as the RF power increases up to 24.6 dBm. Such acousto-optic devices are capable of achieving broadband acousto-optic modulation and narrow-band microwave photonic filtering. Besides, the designed device structure provides a prospect in single-sideband modulation, acousto-optic frequency shift, and nonreciprocal light propagation.



氮化铝钪(AlScN)以其优异的压电性能在微机电系统应用中受到广泛关注。在这项工作中,AlScN 被证明是具有出色压电特性的片上声光耦合相互作用的有希望的候选者。基于压电 Al 0.6 Sc 0.4N 薄膜沉积在绝缘体上的硅平台上,所提出的器件在 210 µm 的短相互作用长度内与由叉指换能器驱动的表面声波表现出令人印象深刻的声光耦合性能。同时,在具有八个相互作用段的紧凑型螺旋波导中,声光耦合性能得到进一步提高,其中测得的调制效率从-21.5 提高到-12.5 dB,射频(RF)3-dB 带宽从 4 缩小到3.1 MHz,中心频率为 3.044 GHz,射频驱动功率为 18.6 dBm。测得的调制效率与入射射频驱动功率成正比,随着射频功率增加到 24.6 dBm,呈现线性增加趋势,斜率为 1。这种声光器件能够实现宽带声光调制和窄带微波光子滤波。此外,所设计的器件结构为单边带调制、声光频移和非互易光传播提供了前景。