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The Next Chapter at PSPR
Personality and Social Psychology Review ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-20 , DOI: 10.1177/10888683211071122
Jonathan M Adler 1

Dear Readers, The story of Personality and Social Psychology Review (PSPR) is one of flourishing. In the quarter century since the Executive Committee of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) decided to launch a theory journal as a companion to its first empirical journal, PSPR’s impact has experienced a meteoric rise. For each year in the past decade, PSPR has held the highest impact factor of more than 60 scholarly journals ranked in its category (according to Clarivate Analytics). For 2020 (the last year for which we have data), the impact factor was 18.46. As we all know, the impact factor is a deeply flawed metric (e.g., M. S. Allen & Iliescu, 2021), but at least it offers one suggestion that the articles that appear in PSPR are shaping the field.


PSPR 的下一章

亲爱的读者,人格与社会心理学评论PSPR)的故事是蓬勃发展的故事之一。自人格与社会心理学协会 (SPSP) 执行委员会决定在其第一本实证期刊的同时推出理论期刊以来的 25 年里,PSPR的影响力迅速上升。对于过去十年中的每一年,PSPR在 60 多种学术期刊中排名最高(根据 Clarivate Analytics)。对于 2020 年(我们有数据的最后一年),影响因子为 18.46。众所周知,影响因子是一个存在严重缺陷的指标(例如,MS Allen & Iliescu,2021),但至少它提供了一个建议,即出现在PSPR中的文章正在塑造该领域。