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Orientation Control of 2D Perovskite in 2D/3D Heterostructure by Templated Growth on 3D Perovskite
ACS Materials Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acsmaterialslett.1c00709
Genya Uzurano 1 , Nao Kuwahara 1 , Tomoki Saito 1 , Akihiko Fujii 1 , Masanori Ozaki 1

2D/3D perovskite heterostructure solar cells are promising for their stability and high power conversion efficiency (PCE). However, organic cations in the horizontally oriented 2D perovskite inhibit carrier transport, and thus, PCE is markedly suppressed when the 2D perovskite is thickened to improve stability. In this study, the orientation control of 2D perovskite on 3D perovskite was realized to overcome the trade-off between stability and PCE of 2D/3D heterostructure. 2D perovskite fabricated on (110)-oriented MAPbI2.5Cl0.5 was horizontally oriented to the substrate surface. In contrast, 2D perovskite fabricated on (200)/(112)-oriented MAPbI3 was obliquely oriented at 45° to the substrate surface. The change of orientation angle in 2D perovskite strongly depended upon the predominant crystal orientation of 3D perovskite template. The tolerance of lattice matching between 3D and 2D perovskite must allow the orientation control. This work provides a universal strategy to improve the stability of perovskite solar cells demonstrating the high PCE.


通过 3D 钙钛矿模板生长控制 2D/3D 异质结构中 2D 钙钛矿的取向

2D/3D 钙钛矿异质结构太阳能电池因其稳定性和高功率转换效率(PCE)而大有前途。然而,水平取向的二维钙钛矿中的有机阳离子会抑制载流子传输,因此当二维钙钛矿被增厚以提高稳定性时,PCE 会受到显着抑制。在这项研究中,实现了 2D 钙钛矿在 3D 钙钛矿上的取向控制,以克服 2D/3D 异质结构的稳定性和 PCE 之间的权衡。在 (110) 取向的 MAPbI 2.5 Cl 0.5上制造的二维钙钛矿与衬底表面水平取向。相比之下,在 (200)/(112) 取向的 MAPbI 3上制造的二维钙钛矿与基板表面成 45° 倾斜取向。2D 钙钛矿中取向角的变化很大程度上取决于 3D 钙钛矿模板的主要晶体取向。3D 和 2D 钙钛矿之间的晶格匹配公差必须允许取向控制。这项工作提供了一种通用策略来提高钙钛矿太阳能电池的稳定性,证明其具有高 PCE。