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Again with feeling: modes of visual representation of popular astronomy in the mid-nineteenth century
Notes and Records ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-19 , DOI: 10.1098/rsnr.2021.0040
Martin Bush 1

Visualization is central to both the practice of astronomical science and its popularization. However, the dominant forms of imagery in many forms of mid-nineteenth century astronomical popularization are not observational images but rather geometrical diagrams. I describe two modes of visual representation of astronomy in this period and argue that these were based in two different conceptions of the science itself: as the sublime science revealing the power of Creation, or as the first and perfect mathematically pure science. Whereas these two modes were often kept distinct, there are notable examples of them being combined.



可视化是天文科学实践及其普及的核心。然而,在 19 世纪中叶天文普及的许多形式中,主要的图像形式不是观测图像,而是几何图。我描述了这一时期天文学的两种视觉表现模式,并认为它们基于对科学本身的两种不同概念:作为揭示创造力量的崇高科学,或者作为第一个和完美的数学纯科学。尽管这两种模式通常保持不同,但也有将它们结合起来的显着例子。
