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Artist Names as Human Brands: Brand Determinants, Creation and co-Creation Mechanisms
Empirical Studies of the Arts ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-17 , DOI: 10.1177/02762374211072964
Francesco Angelini 1 , Massimiliano Castellani 1 , Pierpaolo Pattitoni 1

Considering all transactions related to modern and contemporary visual artists mediated by galleries in Italy between 2007 and 2012, we propose an empirical measure of artist brand and explore its relationship with artist-specific characteristics, such as talent, fame, and popularity, through a structural model. We find that artist brand depends positively on talent, fame, and popularity. Moreover, we find that a co-creation mechanism is at work in the Italian art market, where galleries choose their specialization strategies in picking their artist portfolios. We interpret our findings in light of a novel conceptual framework of human branding and co-creation in the visual art market.



考虑到 2007 年至 2012 年间意大利画廊中介的所有与现当代视觉艺术家相关的交易,我们提出了艺术家品牌的实证测度,并通过结构性的研究探讨其与艺术家特定特征(如才华、名望和受欢迎程度)的关系。模型。我们发现艺人品牌正依赖于才华、名气和人气。此外,我们发现意大利艺术市场存在共同创作机制,画廊在挑选艺术家作品时选择专业化策略。我们根据视觉艺术市场中人类品牌和共同创造的新概念框架来解释我们的发现。
