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NIR-II Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens for Tumor Phototheranostics
Biosensors ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-17 , DOI: 10.3390/bios12010046
Yonghong Tan 1 , Peiying Liu 1 , Danxia Li 1 , Dong Wang 1 , Ben Zhong Tang 2

As an emerging and powerful material, aggregation-induced emission luminogens (AIEgens), which could simultaneously provide a precise diagnosis and efficient therapeutics, have exhibited significant superiorities in the field of phototheranostics. Of particular interest is phototheranostics based on AIEgens with the emission in the range of second near-infrared (NIR-II) range (1000–1700 nm), which has promoted the feasibility of their clinical applications by virtue of numerous preponderances benefiting from the extremely long wavelength. In this minireview, we summarize the latest advances in the field of phototheranostics based on NIR-II AIEgens during the past 3 years, including the strategies of constructing NIR-II AIEgens and their applications in different theranostic modalities (FLI-guided PTT, PAI-guided PTT, and multimodal imaging-guided PDT–PTT synergistic therapy); in addition, a brief conclusion of perspectives and challenges in the field of phototheranostics is given at the end.


用于肿瘤光治疗的 NIR-II 聚集诱导发射发光剂

作为一种新兴的强大材料,聚集诱导发射发光体(AIEgens)可以同时提供精确的诊断和高效的治疗,在光治疗领域表现出显着的优越性。特别令人感兴趣的是基于 AIEgens 的光治疗学,其发射范围在第二近红外 (NIR-II) 范围(1000–1700 nm),这凭借受益于极其先进的技术的众多优势,促进了其临床应用的可行性。长波长。在这篇小综述中,我们总结了过去3年基于NIR-II AIEgens的光治疗领域的最新进展,包括构建NIR-II AIEgens的策略及其在不同治疗模式(FLI引导的PTT、PAI-引导的 PTT 和多模态成像引导的 PDT-PTT 协同治疗);此外,最后还简要总结了光治疗领域的观点和挑战。