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Assembling Diverse Skyrmionic Phases in Fe3GeTe2 Monolayers
Advanced Materials ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-13 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.202107779
Changsong Xu 1, 2, 3 , Xueyang Li 1, 2 , Peng Chen 3 , Yun Zhang 3, 4 , Hongjun Xiang 1, 2 , Laurent Bellaiche 3

Skyrmionic magnetic states are promising in advanced spintronics. This topic is experiencing recent progress in 2D magnets, with, for example, a near 300 K Curie temperature observed in Fe3GeTe2. However, despite previous studies reporting skyrmions in Fe3GeTe2, such a system remains elusive, since it has been reported to host either Néel-type or Bloch-type textures, while a net Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (DMI) cannot occur in this compound for symmetry reasons. It is thus desirable to develop an accurate model to deeply understand Fe3GeTe2. Here, a newly developed method adopting spin invariants is applied to build a first-principle-based Hamiltonian, which predicts colorful topological defects assembled from the unit of Bloch lines, and reveals the critical role of specific forms of fourth-order interactions in Fe3GeTe2. Rather than the DMI, it is the multiple fourth-order interactions, with symmetry and spin–orbit couplings considered, that stabilize both Néel-type and Bloch-type skyrmions, as well as antiskyrmions, without any preference for clockwise versus counterclockwise spin rotation. This study also demonstrates that spin invariants can be used as a general approach to study complex magnetic interactions.


在 Fe3GeTe2 单层中组装不同的 Skyrmionic 相

Skyrmionic 磁态在先进的自旋电子学中很有前景。该主题正在经历二维磁体的最新进展,例如,在 Fe 3 GeTe 2中观察到的居里温度接近 300 K。然而,尽管先前的研究报告了 Fe 3 GeTe 2中的skyrmions,但这样的系统仍然难以捉摸,因为据报道它具有 Néel 型或 Bloch 型纹理,而净 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya 相互作用(DMI)不会发生在此出于对称原因的复合。因此,需要开发一个准确的模型来深入理解 Fe 3 GeTe 2. 在这里,一种新开发的采用自旋不变量的方法构建了一个基于第一原理的哈密顿量,该方法预测了由布洛赫线单元组装的彩色拓扑缺陷,并揭示了特定形式的四阶相互作用在 Fe 3中的关键作用锗碲2 . 不是 DMI,而是多个四阶相互作用,考虑到对称性和自旋轨道耦合,稳定了 Néel 型和 Bloch 型斯格明子以及反斯格明子,而没有任何顺时针与逆时针自旋的偏好。这项研究还表明,自旋不变量可用作研究复杂磁相互作用的一般方法。