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A Green and Economical Method for Preparing Potassium Glutamate through Electrodialysis Metathesis
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-12 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.1c04556
Wenjie Gao 1 , Huan Zhao 1 , Xinlai Wei 1, 2 , Xiangwu Meng 1 , Ke Wu 1, 3 , Yun Liu 1

Potassium glutamate has a very high value due to its excellent medical effects. An electrodialysis metathesis (EDM) method was developed to prepare high-value potassium glutamate from low-cost sodium glutamate. The effects of initial sodium glutamine and potassium sulfate concentrations and operating voltage on the performance of EDM were studied. The results show that the higher initial sodium glutamate concentration can increase the production capacity, but the energy consumption becomes higher, and the current efficiency reduces. The higher the initial potassium sulfate concentration, the better the performance of EDM. When the operating voltage is 15 V, the lowest energy consumption is 2.59 kWh·kg–1 C5H8KNO4. Under the best experimental conditions, the purity of potassium glutamate can reach 98.92%. The calculated cost for the process of preparing potassium glutamate by EDM is $0.394 kg–1 C5H8KNO4. Compared with the traditional preparation of potassium glutamate, EDM has obvious advantages in process flow, raw material use, product generation, and processing. Therefore, the preparation of potassium glutamate by EDM is a green and economical method.



谷氨酸钾因其优良的药用价值而具有极高的价值。开发了一种电渗析复分解(EDM)方法,以低成本谷氨酸钠制备高价值谷氨酸钾。研究了初始谷氨酰胺钠和硫酸钾浓度以及工作电压对电火花加工性能的影响。结果表明,较高的初始谷氨酸钠浓度可以提高产能,但能耗变高,电流效率降低。初始硫酸钾浓度越高,电火花加工的性能越好。工作电压为15 V时,最低能耗为2.59 kWh·kg –1 C 5 H 8 KNO 4. 在最佳实验条件下,谷氨酸钾的纯度可达98.92%。通过 EDM 制备谷氨酸钾的过程的计算成本为 $0.394 kg –1 C 5 H 8 KNO 4。与传统的谷氨酸钾制备相比,EDM在工艺流程、原料使用、产品生成、加工等方面具有明显优势。因此,电火花法制备谷氨酸钾是一种绿色、经济的方法。