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Endogenous Moderator Models: What They are, What They Aren’t, and Why it Matters
Organizational Research Methods ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-06 , DOI: 10.1177/10944281211065111
Jose M. Cortina 1 , Christian Dormann 2 , Hannah M. Markell 3 , Sheila K. Keener 4

Models that combine moderation and mediation are increasingly common. One such model is that in which one variable causes another variable that, in turn, moderates the relationship between two other variables. There are many recent examples of these Endogenous Moderator Models (EMMs). They bear little superficial resemblance to second-stage moderation models, and they are almost never conceptualized and tested as such. We use path analytic equations to show that this is precisely what EMMs are. Specifically, we use these path analytic equations and a review of recent EMMs in order to show that these models are seldom conceptualized or tested properly and to understand the best ways to handle such models. We then use Monte Carlo simulation to show the consequences of testing these models as they are typically tested rather than as second-stage moderation models. We end with recommendations and provide example datasets and code for SPSS and R.



结合适度和调解的模式越来越普遍。一种这样的模型是其中一个变量导致另一个变量,而另一个变量又调节了其他两个变量之间的关系。这些内生调节模型 (EMM) 最近有很多例子。它们与第二阶段调节模型几乎没有表面上的相似之处,而且它们几乎从未被概念化和测试过。我们使用路径分析方程来证明这正是 EMM 的本质。具体来说,我们使用这些路径分析方程和对最近 EMM 的回顾,以表明这些模型很少被概念化或正确测试,并了解处理此类模型的最佳方法。然后,我们使用蒙特卡罗模拟来展示测试这些模型的结果,因为它们通常是经过测试的,而不是作为第二阶段的缓和模型。我们以建议结尾,并为 SPSS 和 R 提供示例数据集和代码。
