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Global Value Chain Governance in the MNE: A Dynamic Hierarchy Perspective
California Management Review ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-06 , DOI: 10.1177/00081256211068544
Paul Ryan 1 , Giulio Buciuni 1 , Majella Giblin 2 , Ulf Andersson 3

The pandemic crisis caused a severe shock to global value chains and led to supply shortages for complex medical goods such as respiratory ventilators. What followed were calls to reshore production for security, and the loss of efficiencies from foreign global value chain (GVC) operations for the multinational enterprise. This article merges internalization and GVC theory to demonstrate a dynamic hierarchy managerial response to these crisis conditions. An optimally configured GVC under hierarchy governance can resiliently eliminate global supply line ruptures yet maintain the benefits of global efficiency.



大流行危机对全球价值链造成了严重冲击,并导致呼吸机等复杂医疗产品的供应短缺。随之而来的是要求将生产转移到岸上以确保安全,以及跨国企业在国外全球价值链 (GVC) 运营中的效率损失。本文将内部化和 GVC 理论结合起来,展示了对这些危机条件的动态层级管理反应。在层级治理下优化配置的全球价值链可以弹性消除全球供应线断裂,同时保持全球效率的优势。
