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Plasma etching of SiO2 contact hole using perfluoropropyl vinyl ether and perfluoroisopropyl vinyl ether
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s11814-021-0987-x
Sanghyun You 1 , Jun-Hyun Kim 1 , Chang-Koo Kim 1

Perfluoropropyl vinyl ether (PPVE) and perfluoroisopropyl vinyl ether (PIPVE) are used for plasma etching of SiO2 contact holes. When etching is performed on blanket SiO2 samples, the etch rates in the PPVE/Ar plasma are higher than those in the PIPVE/Ar plasma at all bias voltages. In contrast, when hole-pattern (100 nm in diameter) SiO2 samples are etched, the etch rates of the SiO2 hole in the PIPVE/Ar plasma are higher than those of the SiO2 hole in the PPVE/Ar plasma. This can be attributed to excess production of CF +3 ions in PIPVE than in PPVE, and higher contribution of physical sputtering to plasma etching in PIPVE than in PPVE. The angular dependence of the SiO2 etch rates examined using a Faraday cage reveals that the effect of physical sputtering on the SiO2 etching is greater in the PIPVE/Ar plasma than in the PPVE/Ar plasma.


使用全氟丙基乙烯基醚和全氟异丙基乙烯基醚等离子体蚀刻 SiO2 接触孔

全氟丙基乙烯基醚 (PPVE) 和全氟异丙基乙烯基醚 (PIPVE) 用于等离子蚀刻 SiO 2接触孔。当在覆盖 SiO 2样品上进行蚀刻时,在所有偏置电压下,PPVE/Ar 等离子体中的蚀刻速率都高于 PIPVE/Ar 等离子体中的蚀刻速率。相反,当孔图案(在直径为100nm)的SiO 2的样品进行蚀刻,在SiO的蚀刻速率2的PIPVE / Ar等离子体中孔比在SiO的较高2的PPVE / Ar等离子体中孔。这可归因于 CF + 3 的过量生产 PIPVE 中的离子比 PPVE 中的离子多,并且物理溅射对 PIPVE 中的等离子体蚀刻的贡献高于 PPVE。使用法拉第笼检查的 SiO 2蚀刻速率的角度依赖性表明,物理溅射对 SiO 2蚀刻的影响在 PIPVE/Ar 等离子体中比在 PPVE/Ar 等离子体中更大。
