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The sweet and musky scent of home: biogenic ethylene fine-tunes seed germination in wetlands
Plant Biology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-06 , DOI: 10.1111/plb.13385
S S Phartyal 1, 2 , S Rosbakh 1 , M Gruber 3 , P Poschlod

  • Wetlands are known for comparatively high production of biogenic ethylene from decomposed sediment. Because the gas has various well-documented effects on seed physiology, we asked whether it can be a vital seed germination cue for wetland plants. Specifically, we explored whether ethylene plays an ecological role in (i) breaking/weakening seed dormancy, (ii) broadening the germination niche width, (iii) promoting germination speed or (iv) altering the germination requirements of six plant species with different occurrence along a hydroperiod gradient.
  • In a factorial experiment, both ethylene-treated and untreated seeds were incubated in combinations of temperature (constant versus fluctuating), illumination (light versus darkness) and oxygen (aerobic versus hypoxia) with and without cold stratification.
  • Our results revealed seed exposure to ethylene did not weaken or break dormancy without cold stratification treatment. However, ethylene helped to broaden the germination niche width, increased overall germination percentage and speed of cold-stratified (non-dormant) seeds. This indicates that ethylene helps those seeds that lost dormancy (non-dormant) to sense favourable water-saturated versus flooded substrate depending on their requirement for aerobic versus hypoxic conditions to trigger germination.
  • We conclude that ethylene does not interfere directly with the dormancy-breaking process in autumn-dispersed seeds that are naturally cold-stratified in winter and germinate in spring/summer. However, ethylene plays a crucial ecological role as a ‘flood detector' for different wetland plant communities (reed, mudflat, swamp, shallow water) to synchronize germination of non-dormant seeds in the most suitable habitat at the right time.



  • 湿地以从分解的沉积物中产生较高的生物乙烯产量而闻名。由于气体对种子生理有各种有据可查的影响,我们询问它是否可以成为湿地植物的重要种子发芽线索。具体来说,我们探讨了乙烯是否在 (i) 打破/削弱种子休眠、(ii) 扩大萌发生态位宽度、(iii) 促进萌发速度或 (iv) 改变六种不同发生植物的萌发要求方面发挥生态作用沿水文周期梯度。
  • 在阶乘实验中,乙烯处理和未处理的种子均在温度(恒定波动)、光照(光照黑暗)和氧气(需氧缺氧)的组合下进行培养,有无冷分层。
  • 我们的结果表明,在没有冷分层处理的情况下,种子暴露于乙烯不会削弱或打破休眠。然而,乙烯有助于扩大发芽生态位宽度,提高冷分层(非休眠)种子的总体发芽率和速度。这表明乙烯有助于那些失去休眠(非休眠)的种子根据它们对有氧和缺氧条件的要求来感知有利的水饱和淹没的基质以触​​发发芽。
  • 我们得出结论,乙烯不会直接干扰秋季分散种子的休眠破坏过程,这些种子在冬季自然冷分层并在春季/夏季发芽。然而,乙烯作为不同湿地植物群落(芦苇、泥滩、沼泽、浅水)的“洪水探测器”发挥着至关重要的生态作用,可以在最合适的栖息地适时同步非休眠种子的萌发。