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Personal Values Across Cultures
Annual Review of Psychology ( IF 23.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-04 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-psych-020821-125100
Lilach Sagiv 1 , Shalom H Schwartz 2

Values play an outsized role in the visions, critiques, and discussions of politics, religion, education, and family life. Despite all the attention values receive in everyday discourse, their systematic study took hold in mainstream psychology only in the 1990s. This review discusses the nature of values and presents the main contemporary value theories, focusing on the theory of basic personal values. We review evidence for the content and the structure of conflict and compatibility among values found across cultures. We discuss the assumptions underlying the many instruments developed to measure values. We then consider the origins of value priorities and their stability or change over time. The remainder of the review presents the evidence for the ways personal values relate to personality traits and subjective well-being and the implications of value differences for religiosity, prejudice, pro- and antisocial behavior, political and environmental behavior, and creativity, concluding with a discussion of mechanisms that link values to behavior.



价值观在政治、宗教、教育和家庭生活的愿景、批评和讨论中发挥着巨大的作用。尽管在日常话语中受到了所有关注值,但他们的系统研究仅在 1990 年代才在主流心理学中站稳脚跟。这篇评论讨论了价值观的本质,并提出了当代主要的价值观理论,重点是基本的个人价值观理论。我们审查了跨文化发现的价值观之间冲突和相容性的内容和结构的证据。我们讨论了为衡量价值而开发的许多工具背后的假设。然后,我们考虑价值优先级的起源及其稳定性或随时间的变化。
