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Starch Nanocrystals Grafted with Epichlorohydrin Dimethylamine for Methyl Blue Dye Removal
Starch ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-31 , DOI: 10.1002/star.202100200
QiJie Chen 1 , Xin Gao 1 , YaLan Zhao 1 , Zhuo Liu 1 , Guangyang Xie 1 , ChunYan Liang 1 , JianHui Wang 1

In this paper, modified starch nanocrystals (SNCs) are prepared successfully by grafting the epichlorohydrin-dimethylamine copolymer (PA) onto oxidized starch nanocrystals (OSNCs). The material is used as an adsorbent to deal with the methyl blue (MB) dye. The OSNCs-PA is characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Scanning electron microscopy. The zeta potential of OSNCs-5.0%PA is +46.6 mV, which has a good adsorption performance for MB. In the adsorption process, the effects of adsorption time, pH, and initial MB concentration on the adsorption capacity are studied with the different OSNCs-PA, and the adsorption kinetics and adsorption isothermal curves are also fitted. The results show that the maximum adsorption capacity of OSNCs-0.5%PA, OSNCs-3.0%PA, OSNCs-5.0%PA on MB could reach 142.86, 166.67, and 169.49 mg g−1, respectively. The adsorption of OSNCs-PA for MB conform to the second-order kinetics and the Langmuir adsorption isotherm.



在本文中,通过将环氧氯丙烷-二甲胺共聚物(PA)接枝到氧化淀粉纳米晶体(OSNCs)上,成功制备了改性淀粉纳米晶体(SNCs)。该材料用作处理甲基蓝(MB)染料的吸附剂。OSNCs-PA 的特点是傅里叶变换红外光谱、X 射线衍射和扫描电子显微镜。OSNCs-5.0%PA的zeta电位为+46.6 mV,对MB具有良好的吸附性能。在吸附过程中,研究了不同OSNCs-PA吸附时间、pH和初始MB浓度对吸附容量的影响,并拟合了吸附动力学和吸附等温曲线。结果表明,OSNCs-0.5%PA、OSNCs-3.0%PA、OSNCs-5.0%PA对MB的最大吸附量可达142.86、166.67和169。-1,分别。OSNCs-PA对MB的吸附符合二级动力学和Langmuir吸附等温线。