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Development of PDE6D and CK1α Degraders through Chemical Derivatization of FPFT-2216
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-29 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.1c01832
Mingxing Teng 1 , Wenchao Lu 2 , Katherine A Donovan 1, 3 , Jialin Sun 1, 3 , Noah M Krupnick 1 , Radosław P Nowak 1, 3 , Yen-Der Li 4, 5 , Adam S Sperling 4, 5 , Tinghu Zhang 2 , Benjamin L Ebert 4, 5, 6 , Eric S Fischer 1, 3 , Nathanael S Gray 2

Immunomodulatory drugs are a class of drugs approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma. These compounds exert their clinical effects by inducing interactions between the CRL4CRBN E3 ubiquitin ligase and a C2H2 zinc finger degron motif, resulting in degradation of degron-containing targets. However, although many cellular proteins feature the degron motif, only a subset of those are degradable via this strategy. Here, we demonstrated that FPFT-2216, a previously reported “molecular glue” compound, degrades PDE6D, in addition to IKZF1, IKZF3, and CK1α. We used FPFT-2216 as a starting point for a focused medicinal chemistry campaign and developed TMX-4100 and TMX-4116, which exhibit greater selectivity for degrading PDE6D and CK1α, respectively. We also showed that the region in PDE6D that interacts with the FPFT-2216 derivatives is not the previously pursued prenyl-binding pocket. Moreover, we found that PDE6D depletion by FPFT-2216 does not impede the growth of KRASG12C-dependent MIA PaCa-2 cells, highlighting the challenges of drugging PDE6D-KRAS. Taken together, the approach we described here represents a general scheme to rapidly develop selective degraders by reprogramming E3 ubiquitin ligase substrate specificity.


通过 FPFT-2216 的化学衍生化开发 PDE6D 和 CK1α 降解剂

免疫调节药物是一类被批准用于治疗多发性骨髓瘤的药物。这些化合物通过诱导 CRL4 CRBN E3 泛素连接酶和 C2H2 锌指降解决定子基序之间的相互作用来发挥其临床作用,从而导致含有降解决定子的靶标降解。然而,尽管许多细胞蛋白具有降解决定子基序,但只有其中的一部分可以通过这种策略降解。在这里,我们证明了 FPFT-2216(一种先前报道的“分子胶”化合物)除了 IKZF1、IKZF3 和 CK1α 之外,还能降解 PDE6D。我们使用 FPFT-2216 作为重点药物化学活动的起点,并开发了 TMX-4100 和 TMX-4116,它们分别对降解 PDE6D 和 CK1α 表现出更高的选择性。我们还表明,PDE6D 中与 FPFT-2216 衍生物相互作用的区域不是之前研究的异戊二烯基结合袋。此外,我们发现 FPFT-2216 消除 PDE6D 不会阻碍 KRAS G12C依赖性 MIA PaCa-2 细胞的生长,这凸显了 PDE6D-KRAS 用药的挑战。总而言之,我们在此描述的方法代表了通过重新编程 E3 泛素连接酶底物特异性来快速开发选择性降解剂的一般方案。