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ROS-Scavenging Therapeutic Hydrogels for Modulation of the Inflammatory Response
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-28 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c18261
Ye Eun Kim 1 , Jaeyun Kim 1, 2, 3, 4

Although reactive oxygen species (ROS) are essential for cellular processes, excessive ROS could be a major cause of various inflammatory diseases because of the oxidation of proteins, DNA, and membrane lipids. It has recently been suggested that the amount of ROS could thus be regulated to treat such physiological disorders. A ROS-scavenging hydrogel is a promising candidate for therapeutic applications because of its high biocompatibility, 3D matrix, and ability to be modified. Approaches to conferring antioxidant properties to normal hydrogels include embedding ROS-scavenging catalytic nanoparticles, modifying hydrogel polymer chains with ROS-adsorbing organic moieties, and incorporating ROS-labile linkers in polymer backbones. Such therapeutic hydrogels can be used for wound healing, cardiovascular diseases, bone repair, ocular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders. ROS-scavenging hydrogels could eliminate oxidative stress, accelerate the regeneration process, and show synergetic effects with other drugs or therapeutic molecules. In this review, the mechanisms by which ROS are generated and scavenged in the body are outlined, and the effects of high levels of ROS and the resulting oxidative stress on inflammatory diseases are described. Next, the mechanism of ROS scavenging by hydrogels is explained depending on the ROS-scavenging agents embedded within the hydrogel. Lastly, the recent achievements in the development of ROS-scavenging hydrogels to treat various inflammation-associated diseases are presented.


用于调节炎症反应的 ROS 清除治疗水凝胶

尽管活性氧 (ROS) 对于细胞过程至关重要,但由于蛋白质、DNA 和膜脂的氧化,过量的 ROS 可能是各种炎症性疾病的主要原因。最近有人提出,可以通过调节 ROS 的量来治疗此类生理疾病。 ROS 清除水凝胶因其高生物相容性、3D 基质和可修饰能力而成为治疗应用的有前途的候选者。赋予普通水凝胶抗氧化性能的方法包括嵌入ROS清除催化纳米颗粒、用ROS吸附有机部分修饰水凝胶聚合物链,以及在聚合物主链中掺入ROS不稳定的连接体。这种治疗性水凝胶可用于伤口愈合、心血管疾病、骨修复、眼部疾病和神经退行性疾病。 ROS清除水凝胶可以消除氧化应激,加速再生过程,并与其他药物或治疗分子发挥协同作用。在这篇综述中,概述了体内 ROS 产生和清除的机制,并描述了高水平 ROS 和由此产生的氧化应激对炎症性疾病的影响。接下来,根据水凝胶中嵌入的 ROS 清除剂来解释水凝胶清除 ROS 的机制。最后,介绍了ROS清除水凝胶在治疗各种炎症相关疾病方面的最新进展。