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The emerging complexity of Open Science: assessing Intelligent Data Openness in Genomic Anthropology and Human Genomics.
Journal of Anthropological Sciences ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-22 , DOI: 10.4436/jass.99016
Paolo Anagnostou 1 , Marco Capocasa 2 , Francesca Brisighelli 3 , Cinzia Battaggia 4 , Giovanni Destro Bisol 5

In recent decades, the scientific community has become aware of the importance of science being effectively open in order to speed up scientific and technological progress. In this context, the achievement of a robust, effective and responsible form of data sharing is now widely acknowledged as a fundamental part of the research process. The production and resolution of human genomic data has steadily increased in recent years, mainly due to technological advances and decreasing costs of DNA genotyping and sequencing. There is, however, a downside to this process due to the huge increase in the complexity of the data and related metadata. This means it is advisable to go beyond traditional forms of sharing analysis, which have focused on data availability only. Here we present a pilot study that aims to complement a survey on the availability of data related to peer-reviewed publications with an analysis of their findability, accessibility, useability and assessability (according to the "intelligent data openness" scheme). Sharing rates in genomic anthropology (73.0%) were found to be higher than human genomics (32.4%), but lower than closely related research fields (from 96.8% to 79.2% for paleogenetics and evolutionary genetics, respectively). We discuss the privacy and methodological issues that could be linked to this finding. Comparisons of sharing rates across a wide range of disciplines has suggested that the idea of human genomics as a forerunner for the open data movement should be questioned. Finally, both in genomic anthropology and human genomics, findability and useability were found to be compliant with the expectations of an intelligent data openness, whereas only a minor part of studies met the need to make the data completely assessable.



近几十年来,科学界已经意识到科学有效开放以加快科技进步的重要性。在这种情况下,实现稳健、有效和负责任的数据共享形式现在被广泛认为是研究过程的基本组成部分。近年来,人类基因组数据的产量和分辨率稳步增加,这主要是由于 DNA 基因分型和测序的技术进步和成本下降。然而,由于数据和相关元数据的复杂性大幅增加,此过程存在不利之处。这意味着建议超越仅关注数据可用性的传统共享分析形式。在这里,我们提出了一项试点研究,旨在通过分析它们的可查找性、可访问性、可用性和可评估性(根据“智能数据开放性”计划)来补充对与同行评审出版物相关的数据可用性的调查。发现基因组人类学的共享率(73.0%)高于人类基因组学(32.4%),但低于密切相关的研究领域(古遗传学和进化遗传学分别从 96.8% 到 79.2%)。我们讨论了可能与这一发现相关的隐私和方法问题。对广泛学科的共享率的比较表明,人类基因组学作为开放数据运动的先驱的想法应该受到质疑。最后,在基因组人类学和人类基因组学中,