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Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences and Juvenile Court Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Race and Ethnicity
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-24 , DOI: 10.1177/15412040211063437
Ashley Lockwood 1 , Jennifer H. Peck 1 , Kevin T. Wolff 2 , Michael T. Baglivio 3

Youth involved in the juvenile justice system have enhanced traumatic exposure including abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction compared to their non-involved counterparts. While prior research has conceptualized the role of trauma in predicting juvenile recidivism, the interrelated role of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and race/ethnicity in informing juvenile court processing and outcomes is unaddressed. As such, we examine the moderating role of race/ethnicity with ACEs across court outcomes (e.g., dismissal, diversion, probation, residential placement) among juveniles after their first ever arrest (37.2% Black, 18.3% Hispanic). Higher ACEs were associated with (1) decreased adjudication likelihood, (2) case dismissal for Black and Hispanic youth, (3) deeper dispositions versus diversion for Hispanic youth, (4) residential placement versus diversion for White youth, and (5) residential placement versus probation, with no racial or ethnic differences. Policy implications and future research surrounding the treatment of justice-involved youth with childhood traumatic exposure across race/ethnicity are discussed.



与未参与青少年司法系统的青少年相比,参与少年司法系统的青少年遭受的创伤更多,包括虐待、忽视和家庭功能障碍。虽然先前的研究已经概念化了创伤在预测青少年累犯中的作用,但未解决不良童年经历 (ACE) 和种族/民族在告知少年法庭处理和结果方面的相互关联的作用。因此,我们研究了种族/族裔对 ACE 在首次被捕后的青少年(37.2% 黑人,18.3% 西班牙裔)在法庭结果(例如,解雇、转移、缓刑、居住安置)中的调节作用。较高的 ACE 与 (1) 裁决可能性降低,(2) 黑人和西班牙裔青年的案件驳回,(3) 西班牙裔青年的更深的处置与转移有关,(4) 白人青年的住宿安置与转移,以及 (5) 住宿安置与缓刑,没有种族或民族差异。讨论了围绕跨种族/民族的童年创伤暴露的正义参与青年的治疗的政策影响和未来研究。
