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Sublethal doses of broflanilide prevents molting in the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda via altering molting hormone biosynthesis
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2021.105017
Zhong Qiang Jia 1 , En Ling Zhan 1 , Su Gui Zhang 1 , Andrew K Jones 2 , Lin Zhu 1 , Ying Nan Wang 1 , Qiu Tang Huang 1 , Zhao Jun Han 1 , Chun Qing Zhao 1

Broflanilide is a novel insecticide with a unique mode of action on the insect GABA receptor and is registered worldwide for the control of agricultural pests. It shows high efficacy in controlling the fall armyworm (FAW) Spodoptera frugiperda, which is a destructive pest to various crops. FAW was exposed to sublethal concentrations of broflanilide to determine its impact on insect development. Sublethal doses (LD10 and LD30) caused failure of ecdysis, reduced body length of larvae, malformation of pupae, and vestigial wing formation in adults. Also, broflanilide at LD30 significantly reduced the amount of molting hormone (MH). After exposure to LD10 or LD30 broflanilide, expression of five Halloween genes, which participate in MH biosynthesis, were found to be altered. Specifically, the transcript levels of SfrCYP307A1 (Spook), SfrCYP314A1 (Shade) and SfrCYP315A1 (Shadow) in 3rd day larvae were significantly decreased as well as SfrCYP302A1 (Disembodied) and SfrCYP306A1 (Phantom) in 5th day pupae. In contrast, the transcript levels of SfrCYP302A1 in 3rd day larvae, SfrCYP307A1 and SfrCYP314A1 in 5th day pupae, and SfrCYP306A1, SfrCYP307A1 and SfrCYP315A1 in 0.5th day adults were significantly increased. Our results demonstrate that broflanilide caused the failure of ecdysis in FAW possibly by influencing the intake of cholesterol through inhibition of feeding and also via altering expression of genes important for MH biosynthesis.



Broflanilide 是一种新型杀虫剂,对昆虫 GABA 受体具有独特的作用方式,已在全球范围内注册用于防治农业害虫。它在防治对多种作物具有破坏性的害虫草地贪夜蛾( Spodoptera frugiperda)方面表现出高效。FAW 暴露于亚致死浓度的溴氟苯胺,以确定其对昆虫发育的影响。亚致死剂量(LD 10和 LD 30)导致蜕皮失败、幼虫体长缩短、蛹畸形和成虫残翅形成。此外,LD 30的溴苯胺显着降低了蜕皮激素 (MH) 的量。暴露于 LD 10或 LD 30后溴氟苯胺,五个万圣节基因的表达,参与 MH 生物合成,被发现被改变。具体而言,第 3 天幼虫中SfrCYP307A1(Spook)、SfrCYP314A1(阴影)和SfrCYP315A1 (阴影)的转录水平显着降低,第 5 天蛹中SfrCYP302A1 (无实体)和SfrCYP306A1(幻影)的转录水平显着降低。相反,第 3 天幼虫中SfrCYP302A1、第 5 天蛹中 SfrCYP307A1 和 SfrCYP314A1 以及SfrCYP306A1SfrCYP307A1SfrCYP315A1转录水平在第0.5天成虫显着增加。我们的研究结果表明,溴苯胺导致 FAW 蜕皮失败可能是通过抑制摄食来影响胆固醇的摄入,也可能是通过改变对 MH 生物合成重要的基因的表达。
