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Fabrication of High Thermally Conductive and Electrical Insulating Composites by Boron Nitride-Nanosheet-Coated PEEK Fiber
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-16 , DOI: 10.1002/mame.202170050
Youli Sun , Hongbo Dang , HaoYuan Tan , Jiashuang Luan , Dong Jiang , Yanhua Yang

Back Cover: First, hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets functionalized with hydroxyl groups are prepared, and a schematic diagram of the molecular structure of BNNSs is shown in the cover design. As a special engineering plastic, polyether ether ketone (PEEK) is widely used in aerospace, automobile, highspeed rail industry, and 5G fields. In article number 2100532 by Yanhua Yang and co-workers, PEEK fiber is used to prepare high thermal conductivity composite materials with filler orientation structures. The picture shows that PEEK fibers are coated by BNNSs in the cover design. The diagram of the Tai Chi demonstrates it has broad and bright prospects for applications in a range of emerging electronic devices. The light in the background reflects the phonons are transmitted at high speed inside the composite.



封底:首先,制备了羟基官能化的六方氮化硼纳米片,封面设计展示了BNNSs的分子结构示意图。聚醚醚酮(PEEK)作为一种特种工程塑料,广泛应用于航空航天、汽车、高铁、5G等领域。在Yanhua Yang及其同事的文章编号2100532中,PEEK纤维用于制备具有填料取向结构的高导热复合材料。图为PEEK纤维在包覆设计中被BNNSs包覆。太极图显示了它在一系列新兴电子设备中的应用前景广阔。背景中的光反射声子在复合材料内部高速传输。