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From New Spain to Damascus: Ottoman Religious Authorities and the Making of Medical Knowledge on Tobacco
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-15 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-12340031
Aslıhan Gürbüzel 1

This article examines the translation, circulation, and adaptation of the medical opinion of Spanish physician Nicolas Monardes (d. 1588) on tobacco in the Ottoman Empire. In addition to medical and encyclopedist authors, the spread of new medical knowledge in learned and eventually popular registers was the result of the efforts of religious authorities. These latter authorities, namely jurists, Sufis, and preachers, took an interest in the bodily and mental effects of smoking for its moral implications. In forming their medical-moral discourse, they sought and studied contemporary medical works of both Ottoman and European provenance. Challenging the strict division between learned and popular medicine, this article argues that Ottoman religious authorities, while often excluded from the history of medicine, played significant roles in the circulation, adaptation, and localization of medical knowledge.



本文考察了西班牙医生 Nicolas Monardes(卒于 1588 年)对奥斯曼帝国烟草的医学意见的翻译、传播和改编。除了医学和百科全书作者之外,新医学知识在学术和最终流行的登记册中的传播是宗教当局努力的结果。后者的权威,即法学家、苏菲派和传教士,对吸烟的道德影响对身心影响产生了兴趣。在形成他们的医学道德话语时,他们寻求并研究了奥斯曼帝国和欧洲起源的当代医学著作。这篇文章挑战了学术医学和流行医学之间的严格划分,认为奥斯曼宗教当局虽然经常被排除在医学史之外,
