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La traduction au prisme du genre et de la pensée islamique
French Cultural Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-16 , DOI: 10.1177/09571558211043233
Wafa Bedjaoui 1

The main objective of this article is to make the female voice heard in an area of the world where women are discriminated against and prejudiced, despite the progress made regarding their status in status in society. The aim is to demonstrate that the translation of the male discourse produced undergoes fundamental transformations that are the result of choices studied by the translator. She intervenes She intervenes and rewrites the text in her own way, even in the way that allows her to represent herself as a full human being in her own right, not relegated to the background. Through the analysis of samples taken from the work of the Algerian thinker Malek Bennabi “Les conditions de la renaissance” as well as the questioning of the first translation by the Egyptian thinker Abdel Sabbour Chahine, considered reductive and ‘religiously oriented’, we are in line with the feminist approach to translation feminist approach to translation, which advocates taking a stand on the dominant discourse. By invoking some of the methodological tools of Giles' IDRC Model and by referring to the notion of subjectivity developed in the framework of feminism of colour, we proceeded to the analysis of the source and target texts. We found that the doubly masculine discourse (the author and her (the author and his translator) was reproduced differently in the target language by taking into consideration elements that are absent from the source text. The invisibility of the woman in the process since she is considered an object, she passes to the status of visibility through the translational choices, the positions taken, and thus the decisions made.


La traduction au Prisme du Style et de la pensée islamique

这篇文章的主要目的是在世界上女性受到歧视和偏见的地区发出女性的声音,尽管她们的社会地位已经取得了进步。目的是证明所产生的男性话语的翻译经历了根本性的转变,这是翻译者研究选择的结果。她干预她以自己的方式干预和重写文本,甚至以允许她将自己表现为一个完整的人的方式,而不是退居幕后。通过分析阿尔及利亚思想家马利克·本纳比的作品《文艺复兴的条件》以及对埃及思想家阿卜杜勒·萨布尔·沙欣 (Abdel Sabbour Chahine) 第一次翻译的质疑,被认为是还原性的和“以宗教为导向的”,我们符合女权主义的翻译方法 女权主义的翻译方法,它主张对主导话语采取立场。通过调用 Giles 的 IDRC 模型的一些方法论工具,并参考在色彩女性主义框架中发展起来的主观性概念,我们继续分析源文本和目标文本。我们发现,通过考虑源文本中不存在的元素,在目标语言中,双重男性话语(作者和她(作者和他的译者))以不同的方式再现。被视为一个对象,她通过翻译选择、所采取的立场以及做出的决定进入可见性状态。
