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Osteodentin in the Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus): Dentin or bone?
Journal of Morphology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-15 , DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21438
Senthil Thangadurai 1 , Vlad Brumfeld 2 , Joshua Milgram 1 , Ling Li 3 , Ron Shahar 1

The teeth of actinopterygian fish, like those of mammals, consist of a thin outer hyper-mineralized layer (enamel or enameloid) that surrounds a core of dentin. While all mammalian species have a single type of dentin (called orthodentin), various dentin types have been reported in the teeth of actinopterygian fish. The most common type of actinopterygian fish dentin is orthodentin. However, the second most common type of actinopterygian fish dentin, called osteodentin, found in several teleost species and in many Selachians, is structurally radically different from orthodentin. Osteodentin, comprising denteons and inter-denteonal matrix, is characterized by an appearance that is similar to mammalian osteonal bone, however, it lacks cells and a lacuno-canalicular system. The current consensus is that although osteodentin is morphologically different from orthodentin, it is a true dentinal material, the product of odontoblast cells. We present the results of a study of osteodentin found in the teeth of the Atlantic wolffish, Anarhichas lupus. Using a variety of microscopy techniques, high-resolution microCT scans, and micro-indentation we describe the three-dimensional structure of both its components (denteons and inter-denteonal matrix), as well as their mineral density distribution and mechanical properties, at several length-scales. We show that wolffish osteodentin is remarkably similar to the anosteocytic bone of the swords of several swordfish species. We also describe the three-dimensional network of canals found in mature osteodentin. The high density of these canals in a metabolically inactive, acellular tissue casts doubt upon the accepted paradigm, that the canals house a vascular network.


大西洋狼鱼(Anarhichas lupus)中的骨牙本质:牙本质还是骨头?

与哺乳动物一样,放线鱼的牙齿由一层薄的外层超矿化层(牙釉质或牙釉质)组成,该层围绕着牙本质的核心。虽然所有哺乳动物物种都具有单一类型的牙本质(称为正牙本质),但据报道在放线鱼的牙齿中存在各种牙本质类型。最常见的放线鱼牙本质是正牙本质。然而,在几种硬骨鱼类和许多鲨类中发现的第二种最常见的放线翅目鱼类牙本质,称为骨牙本质,在结构上与正牙本质完全不同。骨牙本质由牙本质和牙本质间基质组成,其特征是外观与哺乳动物骨骨相似,但缺乏细胞和腔隙小管系统。目前的共识是,虽然骨牙本质在形态上与正牙本质不同,但它是真正的牙本质材料,是成牙本质细胞的产物。我们展示了在大西洋狼鱼牙齿中发现的骨牙本质的研究结果,Anarhichas 狼疮。使用各种显微技术、高分辨率显微 CT 扫描和微压痕,我们描述了其两个组件(牙突和牙突间基质)的三维结构,以及它们的矿物质密度分布和机械性能,在几个长度尺度。我们表明,狼鱼骨牙本质与几种箭鱼的剑骨非常相似。我们还描述了在成熟骨牙本质中发现的三维管网。这些管在代谢不活跃的无细胞组织中的高密度使人们对公认的范式产生怀疑,即这些管包含血管网络。