Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aspen.2021.101854 In-Seong Yoo 1 , Kee-Jeong Ahn 2
A systematic review of the marine littoral Cafius corallicola (Fairmaire), widely distributed along the coasts from the Indian Ocean to the western Atlantic Ocean through the southern Pacific Ocean, is presented based on morphological and molecular characters (COI and 28S). Specimens of the two species [C. corallicola and C. caribeanus Bierig] are extremely similar to each other including the form of the aedeagus. The molecular analyses support the validity of C. corallicola with one synonymy based on morphological characters. Genetic divergence of COI using uncorrected p-distance among these two species ranged from 0.35% to 4.49%. Cafius caribeanus Bierig syn. nov. is synonymized under C. corallicola. Phylogenetic relationships of C. corallicola with similar congeners are resolved as (C. corallicola (C. rufescens (C. filum + C. sericeus))). Cafius corallicola is redescribed with illustrations of diagnostic characters.
Cafius corallicola (Fairmaire)(鞘翅目:葡萄科)的系统学及其系统发育关系的讨论
基于形态和分子特征(COI和28S),系统综述了广泛分布于从印度洋到西大西洋到南太平洋的沿海沿海珊瑚礁珊瑚(Fairmaire )。这两个物种的标本 [ C. corallicola和C. caribeanus Bierig] 彼此极其相似,包括 aedeagus 的形式。分子分析支持C. corallicola具有基于形态特征的同义词的有效性。这两个物种之间使用未校正 p 距离的COI遗传差异范围为 0.35% 到 4.49%。Cafius caribeanus Bierig Syn 。十一月 在C. corallicola下同义。C. corallicola与类似同源物的系统发育关系解析为 ( C. corallicola ( C. rufescens ( C. filum + C. sericeus )))。用诊断特征的插图重新描述了Cafius corallicola。