从扎格罗斯盆地(伊朗西南部,特提斯中部)详细研究了一个扩大的上白垩统 - 下古新统序列,包括白垩纪 - 古近纪边界(K - Pg)。为了表征 K-Pg 跃迁,在 Gurpi 地层的上部进行了高分辨率采样。研究的层段由深灰色泥灰质页岩和夹层石灰岩的泥灰岩组成。基于钙质纳米化石,研究剖面归属于钙质纳米化石区 CC26b 至 NP3(最新的马斯特里赫特-古近纪早期)。纳米化石物种Micula staurophora (= Micula decussata) 的相对丰度高) 在马斯特里赫特部分 (CC26) 可能描绘出凉爽的地表水条件,随后在 K-Pg 边界以下约 2 m 处Micula murus 的丰度增加。在 K-Pg 边界和上覆的大年 (NP 1-3) 中发现了重新加工的白垩纪分类群。这些发现阻碍了对白垩纪钙质纳米化石类群在 K-Pg 边界的最后一次出现的可靠确定。K-Pg 边界位于碳同位素正偏移的最上部。钙质纳米化石的多样性和绝对丰度在 K-Pg 边界处显着降低。甲藻囊肿Cervisiella operculata(以前称为Thoracosphaera operculata)的绽放),这表明环境压力,记录在略低于边界的地方。
在最底层的大年 (NP1) 中,该组合以小物种的大量繁殖为主,例如Neobiscutum romeinii、Neobiscutum parvulum、Futyania petalosa和小型Cruciplacolithus primus。这些分类群表明在整个初始恢复阶段处于压力和富营养化的地表水状况。在下游大年 NP1 和下部 NP2 生物区中记录的 Dan-C2 和下 C29n 事件以碳同位素负偏移为标志。Prinsius dimorphosus 的高相对丰度,其次是Coccolithus pelagicus 完全恢复阶段(大年中期,NP 3)的大量爆发归因于短期冷却阶段,然后是温暖的地表水环境以及最高绝对丰度的钙质纳米化石。
Integrated bio- and chemostratigraphy of the Cretaceous – Paleogene boundary interval in the Zagros Basin (Iran, central Tethys)
An expanded Upper Cretaceous – Lower Paleocene succession, which encompasses the Cretaceous – Paleogene boundary (K – Pg), was studied in detail from the Zagros Basin (southwest Iran, central Tethys). In order to characterize the K – Pg transition, high resolution sampling was performed in the upper part of the Gurpi Formation. The studied interval consists of dark grey marly shales and marls with interbedded limestones. Based on calcareous nannofossils, the studied section is attributed to calcareous nannofossil zones CC26b to NP3 (latest Maastrichtian – early Paleogene). High relative abundances of the nannofossil species Micula staurophora (= Micula decussata) in the Maastrichtian part (CC26) might delineate cool surface water conditions, which are followed by an increase in abundance of Micula murus about 2 m below the K – Pg boundary. Reworked Cretaceous taxa were found at the K – Pg boundary and in the overlying Danian (NP 1–3). These findings hamper a reliable determination of the last occurrence of Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil taxa at the K – Pg boundary. The K – Pg boundary is located in the uppermost part of a positive carbon isotope excursion. Diversity and absolute abundances of calcareous nannofossils show a significant decrease at the K – Pg boundary. A bloom of the dinoflagellate cyst Cervisiella operculata (formerly Thoracosphaera operculata), which is indicating environmental stress, is recorded slightly below the boundary.
Throughout the lowermost Danian (NP1), the assemblages are dominated by a bloom of small species like Neobiscutum romeinii, Neobiscutum parvulum, Futyania petalosa and small Cruciplacolithus primus. These taxa indicate stressful, and eutrophic surface water conditions throughout the initial recovery phase. The Dan-C2 and Lower C29n events, recorded in the lower Danian NP1 and lower NP2 biozones, are marked by negative carbon isotope excursions. High relative abundances of Prinsius dimorphosus followed by a Coccolithus pelagicus bloom in the full recovery phase (middle Danian, NP 3), are attributed to a short term cooling phase followed by warm surface water environments recorded along with the highest absolute abundance of calcareous nannofossils.