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Demoralisation and its link with depression, psychological adjustment and suicidality among cancer patients: A network psychometrics approach
Cancer Medicine ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-04 , DOI: 10.1002/cam4.4406
Irene Bobevski 1, 2 , David W Kissane 1, 2 , Sigrun Vehling 3 , Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf 4 , Martino Belvederi Murri 5, 6 , Luigi Grassi 5, 6

Demoralisation is a clinically significant problem among cancer patients with a prevalence of 13%–18%. It is defined by difficulty in adjusting to a stressor, wherein the person feels trapped in their predicament and experiences helplessness, hopelessness, loss of confidence and loss of meaning in life. Demoralisation has a strong link with the desire for hastened death and suicidal ideation among the medically ill. This study explored whether a group of symptoms could be identified, distinct from depression, but consistent with adjustment difficulties with demoralisation and linked to ideation of death and suicide.



士气低落是癌症患者的一个临床显着问题,患病率为 13%–18%。它的定义是难以适应压力源,在这种情况下,人们感到陷入困境并经历无助、绝望、失去信心和失去生活意义。士气低落与病患急速死亡和自杀念头的愿望密切相关。这项研究探讨了是否可以识别出一组症状,这些症状与抑郁症不同,但与士气低落的调整困难一致,并且与死亡和自杀的想法有关。