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Supercritical High-Pressure Methane Adsorption on the Lower Cambrian Shuijingtuo Shale in the Huangling Anticline Area, South China: Adsorption Behavior, Storage Characteristics, and Geological Implications
Energy & Fuels ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-29 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c02702
Sile Wei 1, 2 , Sheng He 2 , Mingyi Hu 1 , Wei Yang 3 , Xiaowen Guo 2 , Stefan Iglauer 4 , Gangyi Zhai 5

Supercritical high-pressure methane (CH4) adsorption analysis was performed to investigate the gas adsorption behavior and storage capacities of the Lower Cambrian Shuijingtuo Shale in the Huangling anticline area, South China. The parabolic-like shapes of the excess isotherms are ascribed to the relative increasing rate of the adsorbed gas density (∂ρads/∂P) and free gas density (∂ρfree/∂P). The maximum value occurs where the ∂ρads/∂P value is equal to that of the ∂ρfree/∂P value. The adsorption phase volumes (Vads) are approximately equal to the Dubinin–Radushkevich (DR) micropore volumes (VmicroP) but much lower than the Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) total pore volumes (VtotalP). Such a volume-sequence indicates that methane (CH4) molecules are preferentially filled in micropores and then adsorb on meso-/macropores. The strong positive relationship between the total organic carbon (TOC) content and the methane (CH4) adsorption capacity is the result of the abundant nanoscale organic matter (OM) pores, which can provide significant adsorption sites and space. The gas content calculated by burial depth shows that the shale gas at the burial depth of the Shuijingtuo Shale is mainly composed of adsorbed gas. The pore pressure can significantly increase the total gas content (TGC) and free gas content (FGC) but has a limited influence on the adsorbed gas content (AGC), indicating that at the initial gas development, free gas is the predominantly produced gas. Moreover, these findings further indicate that the operating pressure should be kept as low as possible to allow the adsorbed gas to be released from the shale matrix to improve shale gas recovery.



通过超临界高压甲烷(CH 4)吸附分析,研究了华南黄陵背斜地区下寒武统水井沱页岩的气体吸附行为和封存能力。过量等温线的抛物线形状归因于吸附气体密度(∂ρ ads /∂ P)和游离气体密度(∂ρ free /∂ P)的相对增加率。最大值出现在∂ρ ads /∂ P值等于∂ρ free /∂ P值的情况下。吸附相体积(V ads) 大约等于 Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR) 微孔体积 ( V microP ),但远低于 Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) 总孔体积 ( V totalP )。这种体积序列表明甲烷 (CH 4 ) 分子优先填充在微孔中,然后吸附在中孔/大孔上。总有机碳 (TOC) 含量与甲烷 (CH 4) 吸附能力是大量纳米级有机物 (OM) 孔的结果,可以提供显着的吸附位点和空间。按埋深计算的含气量表明,水井沱页岩埋深页岩气以吸附气为主。孔隙压力可以显着提高总含气量(TGC)和游离气含量(FGC),但对吸附气量(AGC)影响有限,表明在天然气开发初期,游离气是主要产出气。此外,这些发现进一步表明,操作压力应保持尽可能低,以使吸附的气体从页岩基质中释放出来,从而提高页岩气的采收率。