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Teachers’ social-emotional characteristics and student outcomes: A commentary
Educational Psychologist ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-29 , DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2021.1991357
Michele Gregoire Gill 1


The disconnect between educational theory and practice is problematic for our field. The purpose of this commentary was to explore how that disconnect is being addressed in current research on teachers’ social-emotional characteristics and their relation to student outcomes. Three questions framed the analysis underlying this review: What do we now know? What do we still need to know? What does all this matter for schools and classrooms? To answer these questions, Spradley’s method of domain analysis was used to examine each of the four articles contained in this special issue. Then the articles were reviewed as a whole in light of the questions above. Strengths and limitations of the extant research on teachers’ emotions, motivation, and self-regulation were identified. The commentary concludes with suggestions for future research based on innovations in understanding the complex dynamics at play between teachers and students in school settings.




教育理论与实践之间的脱节对我们的领域来说是个问题。本评论的目的是探讨当前关于教师社会情感特征及其与学生成绩关系的研究如何解决这种脱节。三个问题构成了本次审查的分析基础:我们现在知道什么?我们还需要知道什么?这一切对学校和教室有什么影响?为了回答这些问题,Spradley 的领域分析方法被用于检查本期特刊中包含的四篇文章中的每一篇。然后根据上述问题对文章进行了整体审查。确定了现有关于教师情绪、动机和自我调节研究的优势和局限性。
