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Electroreduction of low concentration CO2 at atomically dispersed Ni-N-C catalysts with nanoconfined ionic liquids
Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy ( IF 20.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2021.120963
Qian Sun 1 , Yong Zhao 1 , Wenhao Ren 1 , Chuan Zhao 1, 2

Most studies on electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction use pure CO2, which requires extra energy for CO2 capture and enrichment from atmosphere. Herein, nanoconfined ionic liquids are introduced into porous atomically dispersed nickel-nitrogen-carbon (Ni-N-C) catalysts to enrich local CO2 concentration and increase the CO2RR kinetics. A series of high-CO2-solubility ionic liquids (ILs) were impregnated into the pores of the columnar Ni-N-C catalyst to alter the CO2-Ni sites interactions and create a solid/liquid interface with high CO2 concentration. The optimal Ni-N-C/[Bmim][PF6] composite outperforms the Ni-N-C catalyst for pure CO2 electroreduction with a maximum FECO of 99.6% and 2.7-fold larger jCO. The high solubility of CO2 in ILs compared to aqueous electrolyte enables direct electrolysis of CO2 at low concentrations. When fed with 5–10% (v/v) CO2, the Ni-N-C/[Bmim][PF6] composite exhibited up to 1.5-fold higher FECO and a 68% increase of jCO, in comparison to Ni-N-C, and robust stability over 30 h.


纳米限制离子液体在原子分散的 Ni-NC 催化剂上电还原低浓度 CO2

大多数关于电化学 CO 2还原反应的研究使用纯 CO 2,这需要额外的能量来捕获和从大气中富集CO 2。在此,纳米限制离子液体被引入多孔原子分散的镍-氮-碳 (Ni-NC) 催化剂中,以增加局部 CO 2浓度并增加 CO 2 RR 动力学。一系列高CO 2溶解度的离子液体(IL) 被浸入柱状Ni-NC 催化剂的孔中,以改变CO 2 -Ni 位点的相互作用并产生具有高CO 2浓度的固/液界面。最佳 Ni-NC/[Bmim][PF 6] 复合材料优于 Ni-NC 催化剂,用于纯 CO 2电还原,最大 FE CO为 99.6%,j CO大 2.7 倍。与水性电解质相比,CO 2在 IL 中的高溶解度能够在低浓度下直接电解 CO 2。当用5-10%(体积/体积)CO进料2,在Ni-NC / [BMIM] [PF 6 ]复合表现出高达1.5倍高的FE CO和增加了68%Ĵ CO相比,对于Ni -NC,并且在 30 小时内具有强大的稳定性。
