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Rural producers in the High Court: the struggle for control of olive oil production in Israel, 1950–1953
Mediterranean Historical Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-25 , DOI: 10.1080/09518967.2021.1963944
Na‘ama Ben Ze’ev 1 , Gal Amir 2

From 1950 through 1953, Palestinian olive oil producers in Israel struggled against the state’s efforts to impose discriminatory marketing conditions on them. The confrontation took place under the government’s rationing policy and strict supervision of the Palestinian population, which at the time was subject to military rule. A coalition of state agents and public and private institutions cooperated in supervising and utilizing Palestinian oil production. The authors’ aim is to trace the actors in the “oil issue”, their diverse interests, and political motives, in order to contribute to the understanding of the Palestinian experience in Israel at the beginning of the 1950s. They focus their attention on the agency of the Palestinian oil producers, which primarily took the form of resistance. They argue that in the struggle to establish their rights, oil producers often utilized legal and parliamentary means enabled by the state. They were also aware of the gaps and disagreements within the coalition that confronted them, and managed to use them for their own advantage. Thus, they subverted a central idea of Zionist ideology – its claim to entitlement to the land – and they challenged the political ethnocratic practices applied to assert that claim.


高等法院的农村生产者:1950-1953 年以色列控制橄榄油生产的斗争

从 1950 年到 1953 年,以色列的巴勒斯坦橄榄油生产商努力反对国家向他们施加歧视性营销条件的努力。冲突是在政府的配给政策和对当时受军事统治的巴勒斯坦人民的严格监督下发生的。一个由国家代理人和公共和私人机构组成的联盟在监督和利用巴勒斯坦石油生产方面进行了合作。作者的目的是追查“石油问题”中的参与者、他们的不同利益和政治动机,以帮助理解 1950 年代初期巴勒斯坦在以色列的经历。他们将注意力集中在主要采取抵抗形式的巴勒斯坦石油生产商的代理上。他们争辩说,在争取权利的斗争中,石油生产商经常利用国家支持的法律和议会手段。他们也意识到联盟内部面临的分歧和分歧,并设法利用它们为自己谋利。因此,他们颠覆了犹太复国主义意识形态的中心思想——其对土地权利的主张——并且他们挑战了用于主张这一主张的政治民族主义实践。
