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Relationships Among Band Festival Ratings, Director Gender, and Other Selected Factors
Journal of Research in Music Education ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-24 , DOI: 10.1177/00224294211060449
Heather Nelson Shouldice 1 , Victoria Woolnough 2

The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among high school band festival ratings and director gender as well as school locale, school size, student socioeconomic status (SES), student race, repertoire difficulty, and ensemble name. Data included overall ratings of bands (N = 257) that performed at District Concert Assessments held across the state of Virginia during 2019 as well as demographic information from the National Center for Education Statistics. Statistical analysis of a subset of these performances (n = 151) revealed a statistically significant association between ratings and director gender, with male-directed ensembles more likely to receive a “I” rating than female-directed ensembles. However, hierarchical logistic regression revealed that repertoire difficulty and ensemble name were the best predictors of whether an ensemble would receive a “I” rating. Implications include the need to examine why female band directors may choose less difficult repertoire than male directors and to explore strategies for making the secondary band teaching profession more equitable and inclusive.



本研究的目的是检查高中乐队节日评分与导演性别以及学校地点、学校规模、学生社会经济地位 (SES)、学生种族、曲目难度和乐团名称之间的关系。数据包括2019 年在弗吉尼亚州举行的地区音乐会评估中进行的乐队 ( N = 257) 的总体评分,以及来自国家教育统计中心的人口统计信息。这些性能的一个子集的统计分析 ( n= 151) 显示收视率与导演性别之间存在统计学上的显着关联,男性导演的合奏比女性导演的合奏更有可能获得“I”评级。然而,层次逻辑回归显示,曲目难度和合奏名称是合奏是否会获得“I”评级的最佳预测指标。影响包括需要研究为什么女乐队导演可能会选择比男导演更难的曲目,并探索使二级乐队教学行业更加公平和包容的策略。
