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Toward a "New Humanism"? Time and Emotion in UNESCO's Science of World-Making, 1947–1951
Journal of World History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-23
Kevin Myers, Arathi Sriprakash, Peter Sutoris


This article examines how the newly formed United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) aimed to construct a programme of social science research that would dispense with determinist theories of racial evolution and promote a new humanism for a postwar world. As scholars and politicians debated the shape of a new world order, they turned toward apparently universal categories of time and emotion to explain both individual behaviors and collective cultures. However, the only time that counted was developmental and the only emotions that mattered were those that could be managed and utilized. This article shows how UNESCO's search for a new humanism remained constrained by racialized discourses that closed down the emancipatory potential of reckoning with the past in the present. The possibilities for open futures, generated by anticolonial politics and by new institutions of knowledge production, would remain marginalized by the teleology that underpinned UNESCO-sponsored social science.




本文探讨了新成立的联合国教育、科学及文化组织 (UNESCO) 如何旨在构建一个社会科学研究计划,该计划将摒弃种族进化的决定论理论并促进战后世界的新人文主义。当学者和政治家就新世界秩序的形态展开辩论时,他们转向显然普遍的时间和情感类别来解释个人行为和集体文化。然而,唯一重要的时间是发展,唯一重要的是那些可以管理和利用的情绪。本文展示了联合国教科文组织对新人文主义的探索如何仍然受到种族化话语的限制,这些话语关闭了在现在反思过去的解放潜力。开放期货的可能性,
