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Novel CdS/MOF Cathodic Photoelectrochemical (PEC) Platform for the Detection of Doxorubicin Hydrochloride and Gentamicin Sulfate
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-22 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c19481
Wenxia Dong 1 , Zhongping Li 1 , Wen Wen 1 , Bin Liu 2 , Guangming Wen 1, 3

Nanomaterial selection is critical for photoelectrochemical (PEC) sensing. In this report, a novel cathodic photoelectrochemical (PEC) strategy was proposed for the detection of doxorubicin hydrochloride (Dox) and gentamicin sulfate (CN). The photocathode was synthesized by noncovalently coupling cadmium sulfide (CdS) to the porphyrin-derived metal–organic framework (CdS@PCN-224). This type of assembly created a pleasant interface for the combination of doxorubicin hydrochloride and gentamicin sulfate, resulting in a good CdS@PCN-224 donor–acceptor system. When compared to a single optoelectronic material, its photocurrent is enhanced by unprecedented nine times. This research could pave the way for the realization of PCN-224’s enormous potential in PEC sensing.


用于检测盐酸多柔比星和硫酸庆大霉素的新型 CdS/MOF 阴极光电化学 (PEC) 平台

纳米材料的选择对于光电化学 (PEC) 传感至关重要。在本报告中,提出了一种新的阴极光电化学 (PEC) 策略来检测盐酸多柔比星 (Dox) 和硫酸庆大霉素 (CN)。通过将硫化镉(CdS)与卟啉衍生的金属有机骨架(CdS@PCN-224)非共价偶联合成光电阴极。这种类型的组装为盐酸多柔比星和硫酸庆大霉素的组合创造了一个令人愉快的界面,从而形成了一个良好的 CdS@PCN-224 供体-受体系统。与单一的光电材料相比,其光电流前所未有地提高了九倍。这项研究可以为实现 PCN-224 在 PEC 传感方面的巨大潜力铺平道路。