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Traditional Fashion Practice and Cultural Sustainability: A Case Study of Nubi in Korea
Fashion Practice ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-22 , DOI: 10.1080/17569370.2021.1993594
Jin Joo Ma


Using the case of nubi in South Korea, this study proposes the significance of a traditional fashion practice in terms of its potential to contribute towards cultural sustainability. Nubi refers to a particular stitching technique applied to clothing and textile objects. Both tangible and intangible qualities of nubi are reflected using a practice-based approach. From the material’s quality aspect, nubi is a labor-intensive process and requires highly skilled artisans. The meaning of nubi involves modernization and adopting new methods, and adopting placeness as a marker of regional identity. Last, the artisanship and authenticity of nubi demonstrates the competence involved and the indefinite stages of design and creation. These qualities are characterized by complex dialogue between regionality, people, and social-cultural values. The potential contributions of traditional fashion practice towards cultural sustainability are highlighted by safeguarding and respecting indigenous cultures, performed through materialized interrelations between various aspects of practice, as cultural diversity comprises both tangible and intangible culture. This offers the potential for nourishment of creativity by preserving the vitality and diversity of cultures, which is something that cultural sustainability requires.




本研究以韩国的nubi为例,提出了传统时尚实践在促进文化可持续性方面的潜力的重要性。Nubi指的是一种应用于服装和纺织品的特殊缝合技术。nubi的有形和无形品质都通过基于实践的方法得到体现。从材料的质量来看,nubi是一个劳动密集型过程,需要高技能的工匠。nubi的含义涉及现代化和采用新方法,以及采用地方性作为区域身份的标记。最后, nubi的工艺和真实性展示所涉及的能力以及设计和创作的无限阶段。这些品质的特点是区域性、人和社会文化价值观之间的复杂对话。传统时尚实践对文化可持续性的潜在贡献通过保护和尊重土著文化得到强调,这是通过实践各个方面之间的物质化相互关系来实现的,因为文化多样性包括有形和无形文化。这提供了通过保持文化的活力和多样性来滋养创造力的潜力,这是文化可持续性所需要的。
