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High-yield solar-driven atmospheric water harvesting with ultra-high salt content composites encapsulated in porous membrane
Cell Reports Physical Science ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2021.100664
He Shan 1 , Quanwen Pan 1 , Chengjie Xiang 1 , Primož Poredoš 1 , Qiuming Ma 1 , Zhanyu Ye 1 , Guodong Hou 1 , Ruzhu Wang 1

Sorption-based atmospheric water harvesting (SAWH) is recognized as a feasible and sustainable approach to address global water scarcity in arid regions. However, easy-to-prepare and inexpensive salt-based sorbents have stringent requirements referring to sorption duration and environmental humidity; otherwise, the leakage of salt solution can occur. Here, we develop a composite sorbent with remarkably high salt content of 80 wt % and without the risk of leakage by introducing a polytetrafluoroethylene membrane encapsulation method. The developed composite HSCC-E10 shows both fast sorption kinetics inherent to the matrix of composites and high absorption capacity of hygroscopic salt solutions, achieving ultra-high sorption capacity of 3.75 g/g, 2.83 g/g, and 1.47 g/g for 90%, 70%, and 30% relative humidity (RH), respectively. A lab-scale device is developed demonstrating 560 mL/m2 water yield under outdoor natural sunlight. The applicability of proposed sorbents could pave the road for future middle- or large-scale applications, such as vehicle-mounted and continuous SAWH.



基于吸附的大气集水 (SAWH) 被认为是解决干旱地区全球水资源短缺的一种可行且可持续的方法。然而,易于制备且价格低廉的盐基吸附剂对吸附持续时间和环境湿度有严格的要求;否则会发生盐溶液的泄漏。在这里,我们通过引入聚四氟乙烯膜封装方法开发了一种复合吸附剂,其盐含量高达 80 重量%,并且没有泄漏风险。开发的复合材料 HSCC-E10 显示出复合材料基体固有的快速吸附动力学和吸湿盐溶液的高吸收能力,实现了 3.75 g/g、2.83 g/g 和 1.47 g/g 的超高吸附能力,90 %、70% 和 30% 相对湿度 (RH)。2室外自然阳光下的产水量。所提出的吸附剂的适用性可以为未来的中型或大型应用铺平道路,例如车载和连续 SAWH。
