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Aesthetic Disposition, Educational Capital, Personality Trait Openness, and Sex: A Study of French High-School Students
Empirical Studies of the Arts ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-20 , DOI: 10.1177/02762374211047973
Romain Brisson 1 , Renzo Bianchi 1

Aesthetic disposition has been defined as the propensity to prioritize form over function and to approach any object as potentially valuable from an aesthetic standpoint. In this study, we examined whether and how aesthetic disposition was predicted by educational capital, personality trait openness, and sex. In addition, we investigated the association of educational capital and sex with openness. We compared students from a general high school (“high” educational-capital group) with students from a vocational high school (“low” educational-capital group). We found that (a) aesthetic disposition was positively associated with educational capital and, to a lesser extent, with openness, (b) sex was of minor importance in the distribution of aesthetic disposition, and (c) openness was positively linked to educational capital and unrelated to sex. Our findings support the view that educational capital plays an important role in the social distribution of aesthetic disposition and highlight a link between education and openness.



