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Quantitative prediction of rattle noise: An experimentally validated approach using the harmonic balance method
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2021.108592
L. Utzig 1, 2 , K. Weisheit 2 , M. Maeder 1 , S. Marburg 1

Rattle noise in a car’s interior must be avoided to prevent customer complaints. Virtually predicting such disturbing sounds without expensive prototyping has become more important in recent years to reduce development costs. For this reason, methods for simulating the acoustic behavior of rattling systems are gaining attention. This research validates the harmonic balance method for a quantitative prediction of rattle noise. For this purpose, a test rig is developed showing representative rattling and non-rattling configurations. The test rig consists of an oscillating beam-like structure with a lumped mass at its tip. When amplitudes are large enough, the beam serves as an impulsive excitation of a plastic plate. The nonlinear dynamic system response is measured using a 3D scanning laser Doppler vibrometer and the harmonic balance method is used to calculate the system’s response, which predicts the first and higher order harmonics with high degree of accuracy. Furthermore, measurements and simulations show that solutions for the system’s response are not necessarily unique for all predefined harmonic excitation frequencies. Finally, a motivation is given for why higher harmonics have to be taken into account to adequately predict the acoustic behavior.



必须避免汽车内部发出嘎嘎声,以防止客户投诉。近年来,在没有昂贵的原型制作的情况下,虚拟地预测这种令人不安的声音对于降低开发成本变得越来越重要。出于这个原因,模拟嘎嘎声系统的声学行为的方法越来越受到关注。本研究验证了谐波平衡法用于定量预测嘎嘎声的有效性。为此,开发了一个测试台,展示了具有代表性的嘎嘎声和非嘎嘎声配置。测试台由一个摆动梁状结构组成,其尖端有一个集总质量。当振幅足够大时,光束可作为塑料板的脉冲激发。非线性动态系统响应是使用 3D 扫描激光多普勒测振仪测量的,并使用谐波平衡方法计算系统响应,可以高精度地预测一次和更高次谐波。此外,测量和模拟表明,对于所有预定义的谐波激励频率,系统响应的解决方案不一定是唯一的。最后,给出了为什么必须考虑高次谐波以充分预测声学行为的动机。
