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Comprehensive Review on Design and Manufacturing of Bio-scaffolds for Bone Reconstruction
ACS Applied Bio Materials ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-17 , DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.1c00949
Jishita Ravoor 1 , Mahendran Thangavel 1 , Renold Elsen S 1

Bio-scaffolds are synthetic entities widely employed in bone and soft-tissue regeneration applications. These bio-scaffolds are applied to the defect site to provide support and favor cell attachment and growth, thereby enhancing the regeneration of the defective site. The progressive research in bio-scaffold fabrication has led to identification of biocompatible and mechanically stable materials. The difficulties in obtaining grafts and expenditure incurred in the transplantation procedures have also been overcome by the implantation of bio-scaffolds. Drugs, cells, growth factors, and biomolecules can be embedded with bio-scaffolds to provide localized treatments. The right choice of materials and fabrication approaches can help in developing bio-scaffolds with required properties. This review mostly focuses on the available materials and bio-scaffold techniques for bone and soft-tissue regeneration application. The first part of this review gives insight into the various classes of biomaterials involved in bio-scaffold fabrication followed by design and simulation techniques. The latter discusses the various additive, subtractive, hybrid, and other improved techniques involved in the development of bio-scaffolds for bone regeneration applications. Techniques involving multimaterial printing and multidimensional printing have also been briefly discussed.


