International Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-15 , DOI: 10.1055/a-1697-2195
Alexis L Cairo 1 , Anu M Räisänen 1, 2 , Isla J Shill 1, 3 , Amanda M Black 1, 3, 4, 5 , Carolyn A Emery 1, 3, 4, 6
The aim of this study was to investigate sport-related injury rates, types, locations, and mechanisms in female youth team sports. This was a secondary analysis of a cross-sectional study. An anonymous online survey was administered to high school students (ages 14-19) in Alberta, Canada. The survey included questions regarding demographic information, sport participation and self-reported injuries sustained in the past year. Results were analyzed for girls who reported playing a top ten team sports for female participation. For girls participating in team sports, the overall injury rate was 55.5 injuries/100 participants/year. The rate of at least one concussion was 9.4 concussions/100 participants/year. Injury and concussion rates were highest in ringette (Injury rate=42.9 injuries/100 participants/year, Concussion rate=19.0 concussions/100 participants/year) and rugby (Injury rate=40.0, Concussion rate=15.3). The top three most serious injury locations were the knee (24.7%), ankle (21.6%) and head (16.1%). The most common injury types were joint/ligament sprain (26.71%), fracture (13.0%) and concussion (11.8%). Contact mechanisms accounted for 73.4% of all serious injuries reported in girls team sports. Team sport injury rates are high in female youth team sports. Specific consideration of sport-specific injury rates, types and mechanisms in girls’ team sports will inform development and evaluation of targeted sport-specific prevention strategies.

本研究的目的是调查女性青年团体运动中与运动相关的伤害率、类型、位置和机制。这是对横断面研究的二次分析。对加拿大艾伯塔省的高中生(14-19 岁)进行了一项匿名在线调查。该调查包括有关人口统计信息、体育参与和过去一年中遭受的自我报告伤害的问题。对报告参加前十名女性参与的团体运动的女孩的结果进行了分析。对于参加团队运动的女孩,总体受伤率为 55.5 次受伤/100 名参与者/年。至少 1 次脑震荡的发生率为 9.4 次脑震荡/100 名参与者/年。ringette 的受伤率和脑震荡率最高(受伤率 = 42.9 次受伤/100 名参与者/年,脑震荡率 = 19。0 次脑震荡/100 名参与者/年)和橄榄球(受伤率 = 40.0,脑震荡率 = 15.3)。受伤最严重的前三个部位是膝盖(24.7%)、脚踝(21.6%)和头部(16.1%)。最常见的损伤类型是关节/韧带扭伤(26.71%)、骨折(13.0%)和脑震荡(11.8%)。在女子团体运动中报告的所有严重伤害中,接触机制占 73.4%。女子青年团体运动中的团体运动受伤率很高。对女子团体运动中特定运动损伤率、类型和机制的具体考虑将为制定和评估有针对性的特定运动预防策略提供信息。最常见的损伤类型是关节/韧带扭伤(26.71%)、骨折(13.0%)和脑震荡(11.8%)。在女子团体运动中报告的所有严重伤害中,接触机制占 73.4%。女子青年团体运动中的团体运动受伤率很高。对女子团体运动中特定运动损伤率、类型和机制的具体考虑将为制定和评估有针对性的特定运动预防策略提供信息。最常见的损伤类型是关节/韧带扭伤(26.71%)、骨折(13.0%)和脑震荡(11.8%)。在女子团体运动中报告的所有严重伤害中,接触机制占 73.4%。女子青年团体运动中的团体运动受伤率很高。对女子团体运动中特定运动损伤率、类型和机制的具体考虑将为制定和评估有针对性的特定运动预防策略提供信息。