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Antisubjugation and the Equal Protection of the Laws
The Georgetown Law Journal Pub Date : 2021-10-01
Evan D. Bernick

For nearly 150 years, the Supreme Court has held that the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution does not secure “positive” rights to governmental aid or apply to “private” action. This Article argues that neither of those things is true as a matter of the original meaning and purpose of the Equal Protection Clause. It then contends that constitutional doctrine should be reconstructed to realize the Constitution’s promise of “the equal protection of the laws.”



近 150 年来,最高法院一直认为,美国宪法第十四修正案并未确保获得政府援助的“积极”权利或适用于“私人”行动。本条认为,就平等保护条款的本义和目的而言,上述情况均不属实。然后主张,应重构宪法学说,以实现宪法对“法律平等保护”的承诺。