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Physically motivated structuring and optimization of neural networks for multi-physics modelling of solid oxide fuel cells
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-09 , DOI: 10.1080/13873954.2021.1990966
Andreas Rauh 1 , Julia Kersten 2 , Wiebke Frenkel 2 , Niklas Kruse 2 , Tom Schmidt 2


Neural network models for complex dynamical systems typically do not explicitly account for structural engineering insight and mutual interrelations of various subprocesses that are related to the multi-physics nature of such systems. For that reason, they are commonly interpreted as a kind of data-driven, black box modelling option that is in opposition to a physically inspired equation-based system representation for which suitable parameters are subsequently identified in a grey box sense. To bridge the gap between data-driven and equation-based modelling paradigms, this paper proposes a novel approach for a physics-inspired structuring of neural networks. The derivation of this kind of structuring, an optimal choice of network inputs and numbers of neurons in a hidden layer as well as the achievable modelling accuracy are demonstrated for the thermal and electrochemical behaviour of high-temperature fuel cells. Finally, different network structures are compared against experimental data.




