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The rise and fall of set design
Screen ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-26 , DOI: 10.1093/screen/hjab040
Lotte H Eisner , Jennifer Wallace

Already by the end of the 19th century, Lumière had begun sending his cameramen all over the world to gather new moving images and fix them on film. But as Henri Langlois has elsewhere lucidly demonstrated, they failed to realize how accustomed they were to filming everything through impressionist eyes. They sought out images of people in motion, sailed on a gliding gondola to capture Venetian palaces, or took to an express train to film the landscapes of the Nile.



早在 19 世纪末,卢米埃尔就开始派遣他的摄影师到世界各地收集新的动态图像并将其固定在胶片上。但正如 Henri Langlois 在别处清楚地表明的那样,他们没有意识到他们是多么习惯于通过印象派的眼睛拍摄一切。他们寻找运动中的人的图像,乘坐滑翔缆车捕捉威尼斯宫殿,或者乘坐特快列车拍摄尼罗河的风景。