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Chess without draws
ICGA Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-03 , DOI: 10.3233/icg-210188
Guy Haworth 1 , Tristan Cazenave 1

The prevalence of draws in chess is an increasing concern: in the ICCF’s 2017 ‘MT van Oosteram’ Correspondence event, all 56 games were drawn. This article reports a ‘Mobility Chess’ proposal by ‘Aloril’ which addresses this problem. He prefers to retain his anonymity but should be regarded as theprimary author of this paper. He has defined a logical sequence of increasingly subtle and decreasingly rewarded ‘winning’ goals Gk. Each position in itself associates with both an immediate achievement Aj of goal Gj – and an ultimate, best-achievable goal Gk, k⩽j. Therefore, Aloril has eliminated the draw in Mobility Chess and shown how Chess can reduce the incidence of draws as much as required.



国际象棋平局的盛行越来越受到关注:在 ICCF 的 2017 年“MT van Oosteram”通信活动中,所有 56 场比赛都被平局。本文报告了“Aloril”提出的解决此问题的“Mobility Chess”提案。他更愿意保持匿名,但应被视为本文的主要作者。他已经定义了一个逻辑序列,即越来越微妙且奖励越来越少的“获胜”目标 Gk。每个位置本身都与目标 Gj 的直接成就 Aj 以及最终的、最可实现的目标 Gk、k⩽j 相关联。因此,Aloril 消除了 Mobility Chess 中的平局,并展示了国际象棋如何尽可能地减少平局的发生率。